Sophie Longley (she/her)

A late-diagnosed autistic mentor and researcher based in Brighton, East Sussex.

Works online with autistic clients across the UK.


Meet Sophie…

A series of career pivots, burnouts, and terrible workplace anxiety led me to an autism diagnosis at the age of 28. From there, I found my passion in psychology and can talk for hours about how the brain works and why humans do the things we do!

When I’m not using my brain, I’m moving my body – you can usually find me lifting weights, kickboxing, hiking or having a chilled yoga session. Movement is medicine for me!

Who does Sophie work with?

I work with late diagnosed (including self-diagnosed) autistic women who are stuck in a rut with their careers or need guidance navigating the workplace as newly diagnosed/identified.

So far, I've helped my mentees with the following and I'd love to work with you on these topics too:

Exploring careers

  • Identifying your skills, strengths and career and workplace values

  • Career pivots — the practical steps to get from A to B

  • Exploring a career in academia (if of interest)

Securing an autism-friendly job

  • Finding work experience and volunteering opportunities

  • Interview tips and practice interviews

  • Tailored support with CVs, cover letters and job applications

Thriving in the workplace

  • Identifying and requesting workplace adjustments (e.g. sensory needs)

  • Disclosing your autistic identity to your manager / team (if you choose to!)

  • Decision-making and executive functioning (e.g. organisation)

  • Creating a work-life balance

  • I conduct my sessions:

    • On evenings & weekends

    • Online or in-person ‘walk and talk’ sessions (Brighton & Hove area)

    Most of my mentees choose 60-minute sessions on a weekly basis but session length and frequency can vary according to your needs. For online sessions, I normally use video-call but I'm happy to adapt the sessions to your individual needs, for example having cameras on or off and adding some breaks.

    I’m neurodiversity-affirming. The goal is to work with your neurotype, not against it!

  • The cost of one-on-one support starts at £45 per 60-minute session. There is no minimum or maximum number of sessions that you need to sign up for. I like to work with my mentees/coachees mid- to long-term.

    I welcome people who fund their support:

    • via Access to Work (workplace strategies coaching / support worker)

    • via their employer

    • themselves

    • Proudly and openly autistic!

    • MSc Psychology from the University of Sussex (Distinction), where I conducted research on the experiences of autistic women diagnosed in mid-late adulthood.

    • Accredited Graduate Chartered Membership with the British Psychological Society (BPS).

    • Completed six National Autistic Society e-learning modules for mentors in higher education, covering topics such as: Autism & Communication; Autism & Sensory Experience; Autism, Stress & Anxiety; Women & Girls on the Autism Spectrum.

    • Fully insured and DBS-checked.

    • A mentor for Neuro Diverse Self Advocacy (NDSA) since 2023.

    • Have advised and collaborated with researchers at UK universities (University of Manchester, Edge Hill University) to produce neurodiversity-affirming participatory autism research.

    • Also provide consultancy for workplaces about neurodiversity (universities, businesses, and NHS).


Interested in working with Sophie? Get in touch via:



Further Learning